As a result of the pandemic we are not routinely inviting patients to the Practice to have blood pressure readings taken. We now encourage patients with high blood pressure to monitor their readings at home by purchasing their own machine. Medical evidence supports the use of home blood pressure monitoring (as the readings are generally more accurate when done at home) and it is anticipated that this will continue after the pandemic.
Home blood pressure machines are relatively inexpensive.
We recommend that you send us 3 BP readings preferably by email to
Please include:
- Name
- Date of birth
- 3 readings (taken at same time each day)
- Date of each reading
Please note this email address is used for secure clinical information to be received at the Practice so please do not ask any questions or seek help via this email. We are available by phone from 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday.
We will inform you if the blood pressure readings are satisfactory and if not may ask you to do seven days readings. Download a template that you can use to record your blood pressure readings over 7 days (DOCX, 14KB).
The BHF website has good information about checking your own blood pressure and information on suitable machines to purchase. More information on support and managing your blood pressure at home.
If you are concerned about your blood pressure please make a telephone appointment with the Practice Nurse or Advanced Nurse Practitioner or GP.
Patients With Diagnosis Of High Blood Pressure Hypertension
If you already have a diagnosis of high blood pressure please take 3 blood pressure readings on 3 separate days and send to the Practice every 6 to 12 months.